Many of us use windows because they don't know about linux i.e its features and how it is better than windows and they are still using windows.
This problem also arises among those who uses linux because windows file is not executable in linux.
But WINE is solution to their problem!
Now with wine we can run windows file very easily.
For example if we want to intall itunes in linux what we will do??
we can't install directly .exe file.
But wine is solution.
we will run itunes.exe file in linux then i can use wine and install it in linux.
So wine is simply a software that makes your windows file compatible with linux platform. but here simply gives us very much of comfort.
Also we can install windows softwares like C++ in linux with wine!
We can install by going to Software Manager in linux then search for wine and then it will be installed.
Any file we want to run , we must copy it to gnome desktop and Home folder in linux.
Then in terminal we must write-:
for example
WINE C++.exe
and installation window will be there and we can install from it.
Thanks :)
it will be really helpful!