Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't feel fear just speak the truth!

Those human who feel fear, don't speak truth. They hide everything from everyone and they don't know that it creates more problems for them.

Google Images

We should speak the truth and maybe it will help in reducing some problems, but human nature is like first doing wrong then feeling fear.
We must remember that life will not come again and again. It is a GIFT of GOD.
If something is did wrong by us then with some courage ( i know it is not so simple ) we must tell all the truth.
Finally God will make everything fine at last and there will always be a happy ending.


  1. good thought!

    but do you know that on clicking on image it is not leading to correct source! is this truth -rd.jpg?

  2. And your thought is really true!

    I say," Speak the truth even if it is against you"

    RD you got deep meaning to your posts. But just avoid plagiarism.

  3. thanks for telling sir! as i was not knowing about it. but now i made it fine....

  4. You know about this RD! You studied this last year!
    The wrong source plagiarism is known as "THE MIS-INFORMER"

  5. sir i know abt plagiarism but i was not knowing that on clicking image it goes to rd.jpg
